How much does Invisalign Cost?
The total cost of Invisalign depends upon the complexity of the orthodontic problem, so it varies from person to person. Usually longer treatment cost more. There is regular Invisalign which is used for longer treatment and more complex orthodontic problems. Another option is Invisalign express which can be used for less complex problems and shorter durations of treatment. Invisalign express is also lower in cost due to these factors. Please schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your Invisalign treatment options. Visit our online request form or call us today.
Your Best Investment in Your Child or Yourself
No matter what you have believed or been told in the past, a confident, radiant, and healthy smile can be within reach for yourself or your child. Please visit our page to learn about the numerous benefits of orthodontics.
Affordable Payment Plans
Please visit our financial and insurance page to learn more about our interest free affordable financing and other ways to pay for your treatment such as FSAs.